In the mood for some action-packed post-apocalyptic intrigue that's also a standalone? Then you've come to the right place!The world changed when Cass was ten years old. A cure developed for soldiers' PTSD turned them into highly functioning...
Readathon Wrap-Up
Another readathon has come to an end. It's always fun to follow the #readathon hashtag on twitter and see all the books that everyone is devouring!I ended up reading 1000 pages. I started out with DISSONANCE by Erica O'Rourke. This YA science fiction multiverse novel clocks in at 500 pages (!!!) and has some of the most intricate worldbuilding I've...
Readathon Kick-Off
I have a bunch of books I want to read by the end of the month, and I saw that the Readathon was happening today, so I decided to join in!1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?Home in Frankfurt, Germany. It's a little past 2 pm, and sunny! I'll probably read on the balcony to enjoy the nice weather.2) Which book in your stack are...
Blog Tour: Burn Out by Kristi Helvig

Welcome to my stop on the BURN OUT blog tour. I'm especially excited to interview Author Kristi Helvig today because I loved BURN OUT so much, I blurbed it. See?I was fascinated by Tora's story from page one. Imagine being the only person left...
Top Ten Characters Who Are ... CATS!
tháng 4 22, 2014
Picture Books, Pictures of Emmy
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It's Top Ten Tuesday and also Cat Tuesday, so I couldn't resist combining the two today.My favorite cat characters:1. Hamweenie from The Amazing Hamweenie by Patty Bowman2. Fat Cat from What Will Fat Sit On? by Jan Thomas3. Fabian from Hondo...
Book Review: Enders by Lissa Price

You might recall how much I enjoyed STARTERS, and ENDERS is just as entertaining, fast-paced and twisty.ENDERS focuses on the Starters who joined up with Prime Destinations and got the chip in their heads. They are now called Metals (probably...
Book Review: She is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick

This was a great find for me because probably about ten years ago I became obsessed with coincidence after reading a bunch of books about coincidence by coincidence.Those books were:Lost in a Good Book by Jasper FfordeGirlfriend in a Coma by...
Book Review: This Side of Salvation by Jeri Smith-Ready

David's parents join a cult that claims to know the date of the rapture (which they call the rush) - the night of David's prom. When David sneaks out on rush night, and then comes home to find his parents gone and their clothes laid out on...
Bookanista Review: Noggin by John Corey Whaley
tháng 4 10, 2014
Bookanistas, Simon and Schuster
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When I first saw the concept of this book, that a 16 year old boy's head is cut off, cryogenically frozen and then reattached to another body five years later, I thought it was too absurd NOT to read. (I love absurdity in my fiction after all)What...
On Setting Goals: The April Challenge
After six relatively unproductive months of surgery and recuperation (I say relatively, because I wrote, revised and checked copyedits and first pass pages on THE BEST THINGS IN DEATH (12K), + checked copyedits and first pass pages on CHASING BEFORE, + revised a picture book for a resubmit), now that I am mostly healed, I decided I wanted to make April...
Top Ten List of Date Ideas for Smudges: Elizabeth Fama on Plus One (+Giveaway)
I read PLUS ONE recently and adored it. I wrote this blurb for Bloggers Recommend:Don't call it dystopian, but Fama's thrilling new novel tackles a society where people have permission to either be out during the day (rays) or the night (smudges),...