If you've been waiting to snag The Memory of After on Kindle, now's your chance - it's $1.99 on amazon today (June 29th) only! (it also appears to be $1.99 on iTunes)ETA: The price went up to $6.87 now (June 30th).To celebrate, I'm also going to give away one early copy (ARC, signed) of the sequel, Chasing Before! This is an international giveaway...
Mini-Reviews: Dystopian Sequels
tháng 6 23, 2014
FSG, HarperCollins, Random House
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One of my goals this year is to finish off some series because I'm in the middle of too many. Here are three series enders I've read so far.IN THE AGE OF LOVE AND CHOCOLATE by Gabrielle Zevin is the third book in the series that began with...
Book Review: Sinner by Maggie Stiefvater

SINNER is loosely connected to the Wolves of Mercy Falls series that began with SHIVER in that it spins off the characters of Cole St. Clair and Isabel, but you probably don't have to have read that trilogy to enjoy this book.The selling point...
BEA Recap Part 1: The Books
tháng 6 13, 2014
Algonquin, Bloomsbury, Book Fair, Candlewick, HarperCollins, Little Brown, Penguin, Random House, Scholastic, Simon and Schuster, Tor
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Book Expo America is a book lover's dream, and this year I was lucky enough to be able to attend my 5th BEA since 2009. And this year, I was not only there as press, I was also there as an author signing copies of THE MEMORY OF AFTER in the...
Book Review: Chorus by Emma Trevayne
tháng 6 05, 2014
Dystopian Fiction, Running Press
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In CODA, Anthem leads a revolution. (My review) In CHORUS, Anthem's younger sister Alpha has to deal with the fallout many years later.During Anthem's revolution, Alpha and her twin Omega were exposed to the addictive tracking that kept all...