Even though I don't usually blog about movies or tv, I do like my year end list summaries.2015 Movies I saw this yearMad Max: Fury RoadThe Avengers: Age of UltronInsurgent (DVD)SpectreTrainwreck (plane)Pitch Perfect 2 (DVD)The Duff (DVD)Sleeping With Other People (plane)Paper Towns (plane)Jupiter Ascending (TV)Star Wars: The Force AwakensJurassic World...
My Awesome Reads of 2015

I read over 90 books in 2015, and annotated all of them for my MFA program at VCFA, though I didn't talk about many of them here. As you can see by the handy Goodreads graphic below, many of them were backlist. If you click on this link, you...
Top Five Books I'm Looking Forward to in 2016
tháng 12 29, 2015
books I'm looking forward to, top five
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So it's the end of 2015 and I still can't quite believe it. A lot happened this year - I passed all my exams, graduated from university, went on holiday and even found myself a job! (Though technically I don't start until 2016, but whatever.)...
2015 In Review: Music

I bought 220 new songs this year (way more than last year) including 4 albums, Every Open Eye/Chvrches, Beneath the Skin/Of Monsters and Men, Song Spells #1/Sea Wolf, Art Angels/Grimes2015 songs on heavy rotation (* indicates top 5)*Flesh Without...
Top Five Favourite Books and Top Five Least Favourite Books Read in 2015
tháng 12 26, 2015
favourites, least favourites, top five
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Once again, it's almost the end of the year (2015 just flew by, didn't it), so I thought I'd do a post of my favourite and least favourite books. They'll be books I read in 2015, regardless of release date - please let me know your favourite/worst...
Blog Design Update
You may have noticed that I have changed my blog design a bit. I haven't done anything fancy, like buy a predesigned template, or learn code, because I'm far too lazy and that would be completely out of character, but I felt like a change was needed, so I've tweaked a few things. I'm not sure I'm entirely happy with what I've ended up with though,...
My Little Box December 2015 Review
tháng 12 21, 2015
beauty, my little box, non-bookish, ramblings
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While I do love this month's "My Little Magic Box", I think I could have loved it more. For one, it arrived late again, so that was a bit annoying. And while I really like most of the lifestyle items, I'm not that impressed with some of beauty...
Review: Bookishly Ever After by Isabel Bandeira

Bookishly Ever After (Ever After #1) by Isabel BandeiraPublisher: Spencer Hill ContemporaryReleased: January 12th 2016My Rating: 2.5 stars out of 5Find it on GoodreadsIn a perfect world, sixteen-year-old Phoebe Martins’ life would be a book....
Book Talk: Spoils by Tammar Stein

It's not too often I come across a character in a novel named Lenore, so this was a nice surprise. I asked Tammar how she came up with the name, and this is what she said:About Lenore...Well, it's a gorgeous name, of course. You know this already....
Review: This Raging Light by Estelle Laure

This Raging Light by Estelle LaurePublisher: Orchard BooksReleased: January 14th 2015My Rating: 4.25 stars out of 5Find it on GoodreadsHow is it that you suddenly notice a person? How is it that one day Digby was my best friend's admittedly...
Bookish Gift Guide
tháng 12 07, 2015
bookish, gift guide, ramblings
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Reviews are coming, I promise! I've just been busy with job applications recently, and visiting a friend in Cambridge and family stuff - but there will be reviews. Hopefully one will be up soon, but in the mean time, I thought I would do a...